Sunday, October 24, 2010

Grace turns 13!

Our youngest girl is now a teenager!! Grace and I were able to fly to Albuquerque to visit her big sisters and our adorable little granddaughter/niece. This was also exciting because it was Grace's first airplane trip. It was a blast to travel by air, but also with just me and Grace, which I don't think has ever happened. We also happened to be there when Jeannette and Justin found out the sex of the new baby due to arrive in March, which is a boy!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Yep, that's what they call me now. There are three grandmothers and 2 great-grandmothers to Elizabeth, but I now have the official title as Grandmomma. Justin says that since they call me Momma I will be known as Grandmomma to Elizabeth.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

We have another member!

Our beautiful granddaughter was born Sunday morning. I got to be there after Justin called me around 11:30 Saturday night. He is very sweet and supportive. I have always thought that he is very in tune emotionally, with his wife.(Jeannette) Poor thing was 8cm from 1am to 6am, she was very controlled and handled her labor beautifully! I really was impressed. She would have had a c-section if she hadn't insisted on natural childbirth. I noticed the nurses really feeling badly for her, almost as if this was very barbaric to have her child naturally. The new norm is epidural. She had a very hard time to have a 7lb 12oz child. It was very nice to be watching instead of doing.